Of Maths & Syahadah...


An evening with my laptop and the internet brought me to surfing to an anonymous brother's blog. There was a very special quote which I'd really like to take and put on this blog..:
"Islam is like a math's problem. Allah is the answer, Rasulullah (pbuh) is the example. To get to the answer, you have to do one step at a time, following the example. It's easy if you do it that way, but if you don't, you get the answer wrong."

Could you imagine that this was said by a little girl?

How about us? The group of people defined as intellectuals? Do we realize this? Or do we just take Islam for granted? Going through this "Way of Life" with full of ignorance. Not knowing how to appreciate it, and how to be thankful to God who created us, and the Prophet pbuh who showed us the path?

Let us think back of what we have done in the past, and replan our future so that whatever we do in the future is as how the prophet Muhammad pbuh did in the past. This, in my opinion is the best way to fulfill the second part of our syahadah...

أشهد ان لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن محمد رسول الله

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