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"Banjir, Kemarau dan ...
Bala atau Petunjuk Rabbani?"

Hj. Ainullotfi bin Abdul Latif

Dewan al-Ghazali
Masjid Sultan Ismail UTM


2 Mac 2007 (Jumaat)


Makanan disediakan... Moh datang beramai-ramai..!

iLaL LiQa' Teruskan membaca!

NFSC; A Reflection


Carbon... Unlike its predecessors offers the player to play the game with crew members, each with different specialties and skills. Among them are drafters, blockers, mechanics and lots more other stuffs. The game also offers a new race type to contest in, and that of a very challenging one, the Canyon. A race where you're one on one with the boss and you've got to keep on his/her tail without crashing in them and without getting left behind. Mind you, don't fall of the cliff too! Make any silly mistakes, like driving to fast at corners, you'll definitely fall off the cliff. And that's the end! Well, the pros has its cons too, you know... With this new race you don't have any chance anymore to compete ini Drag races anymore, a race where one pushes the limit of the car their car to the fullest. In computeric terms... Overclocking the car!

Playing Carbon is one thing... Understanding the philosophy behind it is another! (Since when does games have all those philosophous thingies???). When can't just accelerate all the time, nor can you just brake all the time. I tell ya, you won't get nowhere, by doing just that. Well, it so seems that playing this game isn't at all that simple is it? Btw, who said it was even simple! Let's just say this, all the time you need to know and see the big picture, the target you want to achieve. Whether you want to win or lose (now, now... Everyone wants to win don't they?)... Be the first or last, be the best or worst and so on. Seeing the big picture would also mean that you know the road towards the finishing line, you're clear about it. None can put doubt in you about that, and none shall ever succeed in doing that... Because you say so! Then, in trying to get to the goal, there would of course be some turns here and there. Some dangerous and and some deadly! So, at those certain points, you'll have to slow down just slow enough to get thru those twist and turns peacefully and without crashing. Sometimes, it is wise to slow down at the twist and turns so that the average speed is faster than that not slowing down at all. What matters is actually the big picture. You want to cross that finish line first, so you'd have to have a higher average speed for that.

In real life it's just the same as that. To achieve a certain goal you'd have to create and see the big picture. Once you see it, you'll be able to do lots of things that eventually will turn in favor to your goals. You'll know what to do, why you do it, and the time to do it. And, you'll also know when to slow down, and you'll know when to max up the gear.

Da'wah. The road is long, and this work requires stamina, wisdom and lots of other stuffs as bekalan. This was the path of the ambiya', the path of the sahabah, and the path of those who wishes to see Islam practiclized in daily life. Not in him alone, no. But also in other people as well. On this long road, one cannot afford to crash, not even once. Because if he crashes, the time it'll take to reach the goal, i.e. bringing Islam back, will lengthen by itself. Due to that, that person is solely responsible for what he has done, but other people may also feel the consequence of his stupid actions. The longer it takes for Islam to rule and prevail the more the dosa upon those who do the stupid things. And also upon those responsible for not trying or working to bring Islam back. Let's just say this; Be wise in carrying out a very big responsibilty.

Allahu a'lam. Teruskan membaca!

Tazkirah I


Islam adalah agama yang syumul. Tidaklah sempurna Islam itu tanpa ciri ini. Dan tidak lah sempurna seandainya ciri-ciri unik Islam yang lain ditinggalkan. Mengambil sebahagian dan meninggalkan sebahagian yang lain adalah sama sekali dilarang. Perbuatan seperti itu hanya akan menyamakan kita seperti orang-orang terdahulu dari kalangan Yahudi dan Nasrani. Mereka mengambil dan beriman dengan sebahagian kitab yang diturunkan kepada mereka dan kufur kepada bahagian yang lain.

Islam merupakan cara hidup yang Allah S.W.T. anugerahkan kepada kita dengan tujuan kita menjadi hambaNya yang lebih mulia. Ia meletakkan Allah ‘azza wajalla di tempat yang tertinggi dan tidak langsung menyamakan sesuatu apapun denganNya. Dan cara untuk melakukan yang sedemikian telah ditunjukkan oleh RasuluLlah S.A.W. di dalam sunnahnya. Segala apa yang disandarkan kepada Islam adalah wadah untuk sampai kepada matlamat Islam itu sendiri, dan seandainya wadah tersebut tidak membawa sebarang hasil, bahkan lebih memburukkan lagi keadaan, tidak layak lagi ia terus digunapakai.

Sesuatu ideologi akan kekal sebagai teori tanpa 'amal yang praktikal. Sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan Islam aygn dilaungkan kepada masyarakat tidak sepatutnya terbatas kepada perkataan dan ucapan sahaja, tetapi ia harus disusuli dengan tindakan dan amal yang berkesan. Dan tindakan bukan hanya terbatas kepada pihak-pihak yang terbabit sahaja, tetapi ia harus merangkumi setiap orang yang bergelar muslim. Allah S.W.T. berfirman:

“Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, mengapa kamu mengatakan apa yang tidak kamu lakukan? Amat besar kemurkaan Allah sekiranya kamu mengatakan apa yang tidak kamu lakukan.”

(as-Saf, 61:2-3)

Teruskan membaca!

Nikmat Basikal


Program demi program. Dan program lagi disusuli dengan program banyak lagi. Dari minggu ke minggu suasana yang pack ini wujud. Betullah seperti kata Imam Hassan al-Banna bahawasanya kewajipan yang kita ada melebihi masa kita. Maka al-Banna pun mengeluarkan kata-kata:

"Masa adalah kehidupan" .

Ana sebenarnya tak nak cerita pasal masa and kepentingannya, tapi ana share apa yang ana kemanisan yang ana rasa dalam period "kesibukan program" ini. Masa yang pack dengan program merupakan suatu yang cukup meletihkan lagi memenatkan. Serta menjadi catalyst bagi sesetengah orang untuk men"temporary-shut-down"kan otaknya, dengan bantal-bantal yang lembut lagi "wangi" dan dengan katil yang selesa lagi best. Dan ke"pack"an program ini seringkali menjadikan kita serabut dan roti jala (serabai!). Apatah lagi jika program dibuat kat tempat-tempat yang panas lagi tak ber"aircond" yang dicampur dengan bahang suasana. Mesti tension jiddan jiddan...!

Tapi disebalik kebingitan dan ketensionan program sebenarnya ada nikmat. Nikmat yang lebih manis dari air limau ais kafe noor tmn u, dan roti bom ayub (yo MOCHA!!). Dan mungkin juga lebih manis dari membayangkan muka orang yang tersayang lagi dirindui (Hmmm... boleh rasa ke tu? x terbayang! Ana pu tak tahu, main tulis je... Tgh syok giler).

Ana teringat kat satu ayat di dalam al-Furqan,

"Sesungguhnya dengan kesusahan ada kesenangan"


Bila ana teringat kat ayat ni lah kan... Cell neutron di dalam otak ana ter"activate" tiba², lalu ianya meng"initiate" otak ana untuk berfikir (jom berpikir). Kalau susah susulannya senang. Senang pulak susulannya mesti susah. Ana terpikir, andai kata kita mengambil nikmat senang sebelum tiba masanya, mesti kita akan mendapat kesusahan sebagai susulannya. Dan andaikata kita bersusah-susah diri dulu mesti dapt senang hari² or time² berikutnya. Bak kata pepatah melayu tu lah kan... Susah-susah dahulu...(sampai habis)... Ana jugak terpikir, kalau dengan nikmat² lain rumus di atas tu booleh guna tak? Sbg contoh:

Nikmat basikal.


Kita xde basikal.

Saudara yg dok dekat dengan kita ada.

Kalau nak pinjam bila² boleh.

Tapi mintak jelah izin.

Kita pun biasa guna basikal tu.


Penggunaan basikal kita lebih daripada tuannya.

Empunya basikal nak jual kat kita.

Kita terpikir banyak kali, dalam hati kata

"Kalau nak beli, baik beli basikal yang banyak

function dia aku tak explore lagi"


Kita pun membeli basikal yang kita selalu guna.

Tapi kita rasa macam agak bosan.

Bayar banyak duit tapi takde function baru nak


Semua dah habis di"explore".

Last² jemu bin bosan, maka

ditinggalnya je basikal tu.

Kadang² nak guna cari balik

basikal yang dah disimpan

jauh di dalam stor...

Cuba bayangkan apa sebenarnya yang terjadi kat "kita" (tuka "dia" lah, senang sikit!) dalam kisah nikmat basikal? Dah tentulah dia tak rasa "bestnya ada basikal baru!!" sbb dah lenjan habis dah basikal tu sebelum ianya menjadi miliknya secara sah.

Nikmat yang sepatutnya dirasai ketika itu telah dicuri, sedikit demi sedikit ketika dia meminjam basikal tersebut daripada saudaranya.

Jadi, pesanan ana...

"Hang pi carik basikal baru jangan

dok sibuk² dengan basikal lama tu"

Ok² dah.. saje nak merepek dan memenuhkan inbox anda semua.

WaLlahu a'lam

Teruskan membaca!

Neverwinter Nights 2; A Reflection



Have you all ever heard of this pretty darn game? A good yet addicting game it was... I installed it in my comp just to test its graphics, but then it somehow made me stick to it... Haha... Like nothing else matters. Well guys, this game, if you've played it, is a game where you're able to create your own character where you can make the way it suites you... This character even have levels for which later on in the game you can customize it according to what to you want it to become, whether a fighter, an assassin, a monk and so on. Let's just say some people like this feature... But the darn thing is when you get your classes wrong, or you somehow want the character to become something else but it became something else... What would you feel? If it was me it'd be darn frustrating.... And if my mood gets to its extreme points, i'd just create another new character deleting the older one.

Well, that's for gaming. Imagine what it'd be like in real life? We become the character, and of course God is The Creator. He created us to become like what He wanted us to become and what He wanted us to do. And then suddenly we made ourselves follow a different road... So, what the heck guys?!? God must be furious too man... Like me He could just 'delete' us from the existence, but no he didn't... Why? If you ask me...(in this context)... Because He is the God, Most Gracious and Most Merciful of course. He gives us chance to repent from our sins, so that we have the chance to become what He wants us to become.

Think guys, what'd you do if saw an opportunity to get what you want? Let say you want a big luxurious exotic sporty car, and somebody's offering you that chance? What'd you do? Would you just be lying around and do nothing or would you jump out of the place you sat (or from whatever you're doing...) and hastely accept that offer with tremendous excitement? Same goes to this case, He offers us this oppotunity, so take it!

Allahu a'lam. Teruskan membaca!