
In a conversation between my syeikh and I, he told me that it'd be hard for me not to have my own transport, considering the tanggungjawab and whatnots that I carry this semester.

I can't hope for the iswara (which my brother took, well yeah he just got married), nor can I hope for my dad's car if by any chance I need to use the car. Everyone is just too busy, with their own time table. My dad with his status as YDP JIMJ, my mom a medical specialist and my bro a starting bussiness man. All of them very busy.

As for me, it'll be quite a challenge for me to arrange liqa' with my juniors, meetings with my colleges and my club, and other liqa's with the syeikh. I kinda feel guilty for not being able to see them occasionally. And feel quite jealous with a few of my friends that has every chance to build the thiqah within their subordinates in the usrah system by ocassionally meeting and discussing with them.

So, here goes... If I could get my hands one of these... Hehe (^_^)v

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