New Banner

Just after I started putting a banner which has my picture on it (and just my picture alone!), a friend sent me a message saying that "makin segan nak pi blog enta" or as what was said then. Well I didn't really take it seriously though, thinking "owh, ok... nothing much to be taken seriously". But somehow, lately and suddenly, after I visited another friend-of-mine's blog, I felt that there was a need for me to change the banner. So there you have it, a new banner. The focus has been dispersed evenly (and hopefully!) among those in the picture and the size of my picture is smaller than the previous banner. Hopefully the change of banner design concept was a change driven by iman, insya Allah!

May Allah bless those two friends of mine, for what they have done or said I decided to change for the better. May He guide them with the best of right guidance.

1 comment:

Zakeri said...

i think, you should put some quote, said, the meaning of ukhuwwah maybe, so the pic will be more meaningful, right? just a little suggestion..hahaha...